The Story

Meaningful Art + Paper Goods to Encourage

Based out of the Greater Vancouver area of beautiful British Columbia, Rebecca Paper Designs was founded in 2018 and creates cards and paper goods that inspire you to encourage the people around you in both the major life milestones and everyday moments.


Meet Rebecca

Hi! I’m a Jesus follower, hobby artist and speech pathologist in training. This small business is just one of my few passions!

I grew up always trying new crafts and making handmade cards for my friends’ birthdays. Art has pretty much always been in my life and now I just have any excuse to do more of it! :)

Statement on Faith

If you're like me then maybe you’re also looking to find out what my beliefs are before you start reading and browsing. If that’s the case, here is a brief summary!

  1. I believe that God is one God existing in three persons - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  2. I believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God consisting of 66 books.

  3. I believe that we as humans are born sinners, incapable of God’s perfect standard and therefore deserving the punishment of sin - eternal death. But God loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son, fully God and fully human, to live a perfect life and pay the penalty of death on the cross in our place so that we can have a relationship with Him and be with Him for eternity. If we believe this, we will be saved. This is all by grace alone (not by any works of our own), through faith alone and for the glory of God alone.

Whether you believe this or not, you are welcome here! Thanks for stopping by and checking out Rebecca Paper Designs!