5 Prompts to Make a Card More Meaningful

Have you ever been excited to open a card and then *gasp*… all it says is “happy birthday” (or the appropriate yet over simplified message). Well maybe you do or don’t notice, but if you want to take your card writing to another level, here are 5 prompt ideas to write a more meaningful message!


1. Mention a favourite memory

These are especially good when you write a birthday card because you can reminisce on a meaningful memory from the past year together. When writing sympathy cards, they can also help celebrate the life you all so dearly miss.

2. Highlight 3 attributes you like about the person

If there’s 3 positive words that come to mind when you think of this person, why not just tell them? When you have something nice to say, just say it! Sometimes I will write “you are so ___, ___, and ____”. Other times I’ll expand on each one in different sentences. Regardless of how you do it, complimenting them on the things you notice about them are a really great encouragement.

3. Explain why you’re thankful for them

It may or may not be obvious to state that you appreciate their friendship, but once you state it, explain why! It’s a great way to speak into the value that they’ve added to your life.

4. Look forward

Look forward into the future. What are you excited to see them accomplish? What do you think God will possibly do in their life? Even if you don’t have specifics, there’s no doubt that you can remind them God will always have blessings in store for them.

5. Add a Bible Verse

Saving the best for last! If you can, spend some time thinking on the verses you’ve read recently and see which one stands out to write down. The Bible is a great way to add some encouragement even if it’s a simple one! Bonus tip: if you go peek at their insta, they may have their current fave in their bio!

Even though writing cards are a dying trend and in no way necessary to life, as Christians, why not take every opportunity to speak life and encouragement into someone’s life! By writing it down, you’re allowing them to remind themselves of positive truth over and over again because they’ll see all the encouragement every time they re-read it.

Did you have a favourite prompt? Let me know in the comments!


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